TOEIC 600 words (Tiếp)


(n) năng lực, khả năng

eg: The _____ to work

with others is a key



(adj) nhiều, phong phú, thừa


eg: The recruiter was surprised

at the __(n)___ of qualified



(v) chấp nhận, thừa nhận

eg: Without hesitating, she

_____ed the job of teller

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cedure (n) thủ tục, chuỗi hành động (cần được hoàn thành để thực hiện cái gì). eg: Can the hospital to schedule this _____ for tomorrow. process (n) quá trình; (v) xử lý theo tiến trình eg: There is a _____ for determining why your computer if malfunctioning. t o e i c e v e r y d a y productive (adj) năng suất, hiệu quả eg: The managers had a very _____ meeting and we able to solve many of the problems. productive (adj) năng suất, sản lượng caoeg: Alonzo is excited about his_____ sales territory. profession (n) nghề nghiệp eg: Coooking is considered as much a _____ as is law or medicine. profile (n) sơ lược tiểu sử eg: The recruiter told him that, unfortunately, he did not fit the job _____. profitable (adj) có lợi, sinh lãi eg: Our accounting department has helped us to become more _____. t o e i c e v e r y d a y progress (n) tiến độ, tiến trình, sự tiến bộ eg: _____ is being made on the annual report; we expect to see a finished product by next week. prohibit (n) cấm, ngăn cấm eg: We were _____ed from wearing casual clothes in the office. projected (adj) mang tính chất ước tính (dựa trên số liệu hiện có) eg: The manager was distressed at the _____ number of staff hours to be paid on the next payroll cycle. promise (v) hứa hẹn, đảm bảo eg: The sales associate _____ed that our new mattress would arrive by noon on Sunday. promote (v) thăng chức, đề bạt; đưa ra eg: Even though the sales associate had a good year, it wasn't possible to _____ him. t o e i c e v e r y d a y prompt (adj) nhanh chóng, ngay tức thì; (n) kỳ hạn trả nợ eg: I want a _____ reply to my letter of complaint. proof (v) tìm lỗi eg: This letter was not _____ed very carefully, it is full of typing mistakes. prospective (adj) thuộc tương lai, sẽ tới về sau eg: I narrow my list of _____ destinations to my three top choices. protect (v) bảo vệ eg: Consumer laws are designed to _____the public against unscrupulous vendors. provider (n) nhà cung cấp eg: The department was extremely pleased with the service they received from the phone _____. t o e i c e v e r y d a y provision (n) điều khoản (hợp đồng) eg: The contract contains a _____ to deal with how payments are made if John loses his job. proximity (n) sự lân cận, trạng thái gần eg: The fans were worried by the _____ of the storm clouds. pull out (v) rút khỏi, rút lui; (n) sự rút khỏi eg: The _____ of the bank has left the company without financing. punctual (adj) đúng giờ eg: Please be on time. the train leaves _____ly at noon. qualification (n) trình độ chuyên môn; (sn) các giấy tờ chứng nhận khả năng eg: The applicant had so many _____s, the company created a new position for her. t o e i c e v e r y d a y quality (n) phẩm chất, đặc tính eg: The most important _____es we look for in a supplier are reliability and quick response. quote (v) trích dẫn, định giá; (n) đoạn trích dẫn, lời trích dẫn eg: We were _____d a price of $89 for the room for one night. raise (n) sự nâng, sự tăng (lương) eg: With his _____, Mr. Nam was able to afford to buy a new car. random (adj) ngẫn nhiên, tình cờeg: We made _____ selections from the menu. range (n) phạm vi, lĩnh vực eg: The _____ of the director's vision is impressive. t o e i c e v e r y d a y rate (n) loại, hạng, sự đánh giá, sự xếp hạng eg: The _____ for the hotel room is too high considering how few services are available on-site. realistic (adj) có óc thực tế eg: _____ expectations are important when you review your financial statements. reason (n) lý do eg: We'll never understand the ____ why some music is popular and some is not. recognition (n) sự công nhận, sự thừa nhận eg: The president's personal assistant was finally given the _____ that she has deserved for many years. recommend (v) khuyên, tiến cử eg: The doctor _____ed that Edwin take off at last a week to rest and regain his health. t o e i c e v e r y d a y reconcile (v) làm thích hợp, làm phù hợp eg: The client used his bank statements to _____ his accounts. record (n) hồ sơ, biên bản, sự ghi chép eg: Ms. Han typed a written request for her medical _____s. recruit (v) tuyển mộ (thêm nhân viên) eg: The company's policy is to _____ new employees once a year. rectify (v) sửa lại cho đúng eg: He _____ed the problem by giving the customer credit for the unused items that she returned. recur (v) quay lại, lặp lạieg: The managers did not wantthat particular error to _____. t o e i c e v e r y d a y reduction (n) sự giảm bớt, sự thu nhỏ eg: The _____ in office staff has made it necessary to automate more job functions. refer (v) ám chỉ, nhắc đến eg: As soon as Agnes ____ed to the failed treatment, everyone's mood soured. reflect (v) phản chiếu, phản ánh eg: An inaccurate inventory count _____s poorly on the store. refund (n) tiền trả lại; (v) hoàn lạieg: With the tax _____, webought two plane tickets/ regardless (adj) bất chấp, mặc dùeg: _____ of the cost, we all need health insurance. t o e i c e v e r y d a y register (v) đăng ký, ghi danh eg: Hotels ask all guests to _____ and give a home address. registered (adj) đã đăng ký, bảo đảm (thư) eg: Send this parkage by _____ mail and insure it for $500. regularly (adv) thường xuyên, đều đặn, theo quy tắc eg: She brushes _____ after every meal. regulation (n) quy định, quy tắc, điều lệ; (v) điều khiển, điều tiết eg: We followed all the state _____s for food safety. rehearse (v) diễn tập, tập kịch eg: The players _____ed for only three weeks before the show opened. t o e i c e v e r y d a y reinforce (v) tăng cường, củng cố eg: The employees were expected to _____ what they had learnt at the workshop by trying it out in the workplace. reject (v) từ chối, bác bỏ eg: Even though Mr. Lukin _____ed their offer, they remain in contact. relatively (adv) hơi, tương đối eg: The train is _____ empty for this time of day. relaxation (n) sự nghỉ ngơi, sự giải trí eg: Listening to soothing music before bedtime provides good _____. release (v) phát hành, cấp phép eg: The film was finally _____ed to movie theaters after many delays. t o e i c e v e r y d a y relinquish (v) từ bỏ, giao, dâng, nộp eg: People find it hard to _____ their accustomed food preferences and try something new. rely (v) tin cậy, dựa vào eg: I have always ____ed on the restaurant advice this guidebook gives. remainder (n) phần còn lại, chỗ còn lại, số dư eg: We will move you to a less expensive room and credit the _____ of what you've already paid to your charge card. remember (v) nhớ, ghi nhớ, nhớ lại eg: I will _____ the combination to the safe without writing it down. remind (v) nhắc nhở, làm nhớ lại eg: Ms. Smith was annoyed at having to _____ the waitress to bring the check. t o e i c e v e r y d a y remote (adj) xa, xa xôi, hẻo lánh eg: I was surprised to find train service to such a _____ location. repel (v) khước từ, cự tuyệt, đẩy lùi eg: Umbrellas that do not _____ water should never be passed through quality control. replace (v) thay thế eg: I've _____ed the hard drive that was malfunctioning. represent (v) tiêu biểu cho, tượng trưng cho, đại diện cho eg: The actor _____ed the ideals of the culture. reputation (n) danh tiếng, thương hiệu eg: The company knew that the _____ of its products was the most important asset it had. t o e i c e v e r y d a y require (v) yêu cầu, đòi hỏi eg: The law requires that each item clearly display the warranty information. research (n) sự nghiên cứu eg: For toy manufacturers, _____ can be pure fun. reserve (n) đặt; giữ trước, để dành eg: The bride and groom _____ed a block of rooms at the hotel for guests comming to their wedding from out of town. resolve (v) giải quyết (vấn đề) eg: The mediator was able to _____ the problem to everyone's satisfaction. resource (v) tài sản, tài nguyên eg: The company's most valuable _____ was its staff. t o e i c e v e r y d a y respond (v) trả lời, đáp ứng, phản ứng lại eg: You should _____ to the invitation to attend the museum gala. responsibility (n) bổn phận, nhiệm vụ, trách nhiệm eg: Another _____ of product development is to ensure that there will be a demand for the product. restore (v) phục hồi eg: The cleaning _____ed the whiteness of my teeth. restriction (n) sự hạn chế. sự giới hạn eg: There is a strict _____ on the number of free withdrawals a customer can make on his account each month. result (n) hậu quả, kết quảeg; Your lab _____s won't be ready for hours t o e i c e v e r y d a y retire (v) về hưu eg: Many people would like to win the lottery and _____. return (n) tiền lời; doanh lợi, thu nhập eg: Some investor are satisfied with a 15 percent _____, while others want to see a much larger_____. review (n) sự phê bình, bài phê bình (cuốn sách, vở kịch); (v) phê bình eg: The newspaper sent a rank amatuer to _____ the play. revise (v) duyệt lại, sửa đổi eg: The brochure was _____ed several times before it was sent to printer. revolution (n) cuộc cách mạng, sự xoay vòng eg: My CD player is broken; the disk cannot make a complete _____ around the magnet. t o e i c e v e r y d a y risk (n) nguy cơ, mối nguy hiểm eg: Expanding into a new market is a big _____. run (v) hoạt động eg: As long as the computer is _____ing, you can keep adding new data. salary (n) lương tháng eg: The receptionist believed that he worked too hard for such a small _____. sample (n) mẫu, (v) lấy mẫu, thử mẫu eg: The pharmacist gave Myra a few free _____s of the allergy medication. satisfy (v) làm hài lòng eg: If you don't know what kind of gift will _____ your friend, think about giving a gift certificate instead. t o e i c e v e r y d a y scan (v) nhìn lướt, quét eg: Jasmine quickly _____ed the list to see if any information was missing. schedule (n) lịch trình làm việc, thời gian biểu; (n) lập thời gian biểu, lên lịch làm việc eg: The museum offers a _____ of guided tours. scrutinize (v) nhìn kỹ, xem xét kỹ lưỡng, nghiên cứu cẩn thận eg: After three months of _____ing the employee's work, the manager decided that he had, in fact, improved quite considerably. search (v) tìm kiếm eg: The computer _____ed for all names that began with W. secure (v) đạt được, chiếm được, tìm được, đảm bảo eg: The hostess _____ed us another chair, so we could eat together. t o e i c e v e r y d a y select (v) chọn eg: The winners were _____ed from the conference registrants. sense (n) cảm giác, khả năng phán đoán eg: I got the _____ it would be better to get my prescription filled right away. seperate (adj) riêng rẽ. tách rời eg: The financial and artistic team are usually in _____ divisions. serious (adj) nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng eg: The impact of the _____ news could be read on everyone's face. service (n) dịch vụ; sự phục vụ eg: Mr. Rockmont called room _____ to order a late-night snack. t o e i c e v e r y d a y session (n) kỳ họp, phiên họpeg: The morning _____s tendto fill up first, so sign in early. set up (v) sắp xếp, xếp đặt eg: _____ a time and place for the meeting and then inform everyone who is involved. settle (v) xác định (nơi chốn); thanh toán (hoá đơn), trả (tiền) eg: We _____ed the bill with the cashier. sharp (adj) nhọn, sắc, đột ngột, (người) thông minh eg: The new employee is extremely _____, being able to learn the new program in a few days ship (v) chuyển đi, gửi đi eg: Very few customers think about how their parkages will be _____ed, and are seldom home when the parkages arrive. t o e i c e v e r y d a y shut down (v) tắt eg: Please _____ the computer before you leave. signature (n) chữ ký eg: The customers' _____ were kept on file for identification purposes. significant (adj) đầy ý nghĩ, quan trọng đáng kể eg: The use of lambs to symbolize innocence is _____ in Western art. site (n) nơi, chỗ; (v) đặt, để eg: Once we saw the _____, we knew it would be perfect for the event. situation (n) tình thế, trạng thái eg: The vast number of different air fares available makes for a complicated _____. t o e i c e v e r y d a y skills (n) sự khéo léo, sự tinh xảo, tay nghệ cao eg: The software developer has excellent technical _____, and would be an asset to our software programming team. smooth (adj) trôi chảy, êm thấm, hoà nhã eg: Her _____ manner won her the appreciation of the manager but not her colleagues software (n) phầm mềm, chương trình chạy trên máy tính eg: The new _____ allows me to intergrate tables and spreadsheets into my reports. sold out (adj) bán hết (vé, hàng) eg: We expect that this play will be a smash and _____ quickly. solve (v) giải quyết, tháo gỡ (vấn đề) eg: One of the biggest problems to _____ is why people would want to own the new product. t o e i c e v e r y d a y source (n) nguồn, nguồn gốc eg: I can't tell you the ____ of this information. specialize (v) chuyên về, chuyên môn hoá eg: The museum shop _____s in Ming vases. specify (v) chỉ rõ, định rõ eg: The letter does not _____ which attorney is handing our case. spectrum (n) một dãy, một chuỗi eg: The whole _____ of artistic expression was represented in the water- color. spouse (n) chồng, vợ eg: You may invite your _____ to the company party. t o e i c e v e r y d a y stage (v) trình diễn eg: A historic house can be the perfect site to _____ a small reception. statement (n) bản kê khai, bản báo cáo tài chính eg: The billing _____ was filed with the insurance company last month. stationery (n) đồ dùng văn phòng eg: We do not have enough _____, so please order some more. stay on top of (v) cập nhật/ nắm bắt thông tin mới nhất eg: In this industry, you must _____ current developments. stock (n) nguồn hàng, nguồn cung cấp; (v) tích trữ eg: The office's _____ of toner for the fax machine was quickly running out. t o e i c e v e r y d a y storage (n) nơi lưu trữ, kho eg: The double-sided disk has _____ storage room for up to 500 megabytes of data. strategy (n) chiến lược eg: A business plan is a ____ for running a business and avoiding problems. strict (adj) chính xác, nghiêm ngặt eg: There is a _____ limit of four item per person that can be taken into the changing room. strong (adj) mạnh mẽ, kiên cố, vững chắc eg: Even in a _____ economic climate, many businesses fail, so do your planning carefully. subcriber (v) đặt mua dài hạn; (n) thuê bao, người đặt mua eg: Jill _____s to a gardening magazine. t o e i c e v e r y d a y subject to (adj) khuất phục, tuân thủ, phụ thuộc eg: This contract is _____ all the laws regulations of the state. subjective (adj) chủ quan eg: The reviews in this guidebook are highly _____, but fun to read. submit (v) nộp, trình eg: _____ your resume to the human resouces department. substantial (adj) giàu có, có tài sản, quan trọng, có giá trị lớn. eg: There is a _____ difference in the price for the two air fares. substitute (v) thay thế, thế chỗ eg: Don't try to _____ intuition for good planning. t o e i c e v e r y d a y subtract (v) lấy đi, trừ đi eg: Once you ring up an item, the computer automatically _____s it from the inventory log. success (n) sự thành công, thắng lợi eg: When the manager won an award, he attributed his _____ to his colleagues. successive (adj) kế tiếp, liên tục, lần lượt eg: Somehow the _____ images were interrupted and had to be edited again. sufficient (adj) đủ eg: The postage on that box is not _____ to get it to its destination. suggest (v) đề nghị eg: I _____ you think about the specials, since they are very good today. t o e i c e v e r y d a y suitable (adj) phù hợp, thích ứng eg: I have finally found a health plan that is _____ for my needs. supervisor (n) người giám sát eg: A good _____ gets his team to work with him, not just for him. supply (v) cung cấp, đáp ứng nhu cầu; (n) kho dự trữ eg: By making better use of our _____ es, we can avoid ordering until next month. system (n) hệ thống eg: The airline _____ covers the entire world with flights. systematic (adj) có hệ thống, có phương pháp eg: Any researcher know that creative thinking is necessary, but _____ analysis is indispensable. t o e i c e v e r y d a y take back (v) nhận lại, rút lại eg: Good quality control significantly limits the number of products _____ for a refund. take out (v) thu hồi, rút lui eg: My checking account allows me to _____ money at any bank branch without a fee. take part in (v) tham gia, tham dự eg: We could not get enough people to _____ the meeting, so we canceled it. target (n) mục tiêu; (v) đặt mục tiêu eg: Most managers _____ desired income as the primary criterion for success. taste (n) sự nếm (thức ăn), khả năng nhận thức (vị), khiếu thẩm mĩ, khẩu vị eg: This music does not appeal to my _____s; but I'm old fashioned. t o e i c e v e r y d a y technical (adj) chuyên môn, kỹ thuật eg: The computer can only be repaired by someone with _____ knowledge. tedious (adj) tẻ nhạt, thiếu hấp dẫn eg: Counting merchandise all weekend is the most _____ job I can imagine. tempt (v) cám dỗ, quyến rũ eg: I am _____ed by the idea of driving across the country instead of flying. terms (n) điều kiện, điều khoản eg: The _____ of payment were clearly listed at the bottom of the invoice. theme (n) đề tài, chủ đề eg: The caterers prepared food for a party with a tropical island theme. t o e i c e v e r y d a y thorough (adj) hoàn toàn, kỹ lưỡngeg: The story was the result of _____ research. thrill (n) sự rùng mình (hoảng sợ), sự rộn ràng (vì vui sướng) eg: The thought of renting a sports car gave John a _____. throw out (v) vứt bỏ eg: It is cheaper to _____ shoddy products than to lose customers. tier (n) tầng, lớp, bậc eg: If you are on a budget, I suggest you think about renting a car from our lowest _____. time- consuming (adj) dài dòng, tốn thời gian eg: Even though it was _____, all of the participants felt that the open house was very worthwhile. t o e i c e v e r y d a y training (n) sự đào tạo eg: The new hire received such good _____ that, within a week, she was as productive as the other workers. transaction (n) công việc kinh doanh, giao dịch eg: Banking _____s will appear on your monthly statement. translation (n) sự chuyển, sự dịch, bản dịch eg: The _____ of the statement from Japanese into English was very helpful. trend (n) xu hướng, mốt, cái đang thịnh hành eg: The clothing store tries to stay on top of all the new _____s turnover (n) sự luân chuyển vốn; số lượng công nhân thay thế (những người thôi việc trong một thời gian nhất định) eg: We have to add another production shift to keep up with the high _____ rate. t o e i c e v e r y d a y typical (adj) tiêu biểu, đặc thù eg: Part of a category summary is defining the expenses that are _____ to the business in question. uniform (adj) đồng dạng, cùng kiểu eg: A successful company wil ensure _____ quality of its products. update (v) cập nhật; (n) thông tin mới nhất eg: Our latest _____ shows that business is down 15 percent. urge (v) nài nỉ, cố thuyết phục/ thúc giục; (n) sự ham muốn mạnh mẽ eg: I get the urge to play the guitar every time I pass a music store window. usual (adj) thường lệ, thường dùng eg: It is not _____ for that kind of surgery to be performed on an outpatient basic. t o e i c e v r y d a y valid (adj) có hiệu lực, hợp lệ eg: I need to make certain that my passport is ____ if we plan to go overseas this December. value (n) giá trị, ý nghĩa eg: It is difficult to put a ____ on the work that an employee does. vary (v) thay đổi, biến đổi eg: The amount of protection offered by different policies will _____. verbal (adj) bằng lời eg: Excellent _____ skills are expected in the marketing department. verify (v) xác minh, thẩm tra, kiểm lại eg: I can't _____ the accuracy of these numbers, since I was not present for inventory weekend. t o e i c e v e r y d a y vested (adj) được trao cho, được quyền eg: The day that Ms. Weng becomes fully _____ in the retirement plan, she gave her two weeks' notice. volunteer (n) tình nguyện viên ; (v) xung phong làm eg: My doctor _____ed to call the drugstore, so my medication would be waiting for me. wage (n) tiền công; lương (trả theo giờ làm việc) eg: Hourly _____ have increased by 20 percent over the last two years. warn (v) cảnh báo eg: The flashing light ____s the computer user if the battery is low. waste (v) lãng phí; (n) rác, vật không có giá trị eg: Withour a leader, the group members _____ed time and energy trying organize themselves. t o e i c e v e r y d a y weakness (n) nhược điểm eg: The candidate's only _____ seems to be her lack of experience in fund-raising. wise (adj) thông thái, sáng suốt, có kinh nghiệm, hiểu biết nhiều eg: Are you sure it was a _____ decision to pull out all of your investments. withhold (v) kìm lại, giữ lại, giấu eg: My employer _____s money from each paycheck to apply toward my income taxes. wrinkle (n) nếp gấp (vải, quần áo) eg: A _____ in the finish can be repaired more economically before a sale that after. yield (n) sản lượng, lợi nhuận; (v) sinh lợi eg: The company's investment _____ed high returns. t o e i c e v e r y d a y

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