The diversification of interests and influencing powers of different groups of shareholders relating
to ownership structure could have different impacts on a company’s activities. Earnings
management (EM) could also be affected by those ownership’s components. Collecting a sample
of 958 observations in period 2010 -2014 from Hochiminh Stock Exchange, this study focuses on
the relations between different ownership factors and EM. The results showed that Foreign
ownership, Managerial ownership are factors curbing EM activities while State ownership, Major
ownership did not show any relationship with EM. Some other control variables such as Duality,
Debt ratio and Financial Performance positively effect on EM. In conclusion, the results will have
contributions for referencing while Vietnam is on the way restructuring ownership structure,
improving its stock market.
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companies in the stock market in Vietnam
is very complex, it is significant and important consideration in the restructuring the stock
market in Vietnam.
The "Debt ratio" (DEBT) is positively correlated with the Discretionary accrual (DA),
coefficient = 0.0837 with p-value = 0.001. This means that the higher the financial leverage,
the more it tends to engage into earnings management. This finding is in line with the results
of studies such as Charfeddine & Associates (2013).
This result can be explained by the PAT Theory (Watts & Zimmerman, 1986) related
to the Debt / Equity ratio. The PAT assumed that a debt covenant with restrictive terms
would be more secure for creditors because it might restrict managers to invest others’
money in risky projects or to raise more capital to dilute debt. However, the management
can loosen the debt ratio by transferring profits from the future to the present. This will
increase the financial leverage (debt ratio) and also means that the business is executing
more earnings management. The solution is how to limit the violation of debt covenant and
thus can provide more reliable information to users.
The "Financial performance" (PERF) is positively correlated with discretional
accruals (DA), coefficient = 0.9794 with p-value <0,001. This means that when businesses
operate more efficiently, businesses will tend to maintain its image and show the
sustainability of corporate value. The relationship between PERF and DA is positive,
contrary to previous studies by Fathi (2013), Charfeddine, Riahi & Omri (2013), Fathi
(2013), Chen et al. (2006); Chen, Cheng & Wang (2010).
It can be explained by applying the PAT Theory (Watts & Zimmerman, 1986)
related to the bonus plan hypothesis. It is possible to explain why the more efficient the firms
are, the more EM will be executed. In bonus plan hypothesis, managers can act for personal
interest, maintain the positive results both for attracting investment and receiving the benefits
from business’s bonus plan.
Investors should be considered this factor as in their investment process because
they normally tend to pay attention to high profit businesses instead of the sustainable
development ones.
The "Duality" (DUAL) results with a p-value of <0.05. The evidence has a significant
effect on the DA with a coefficient of 0.0998. As such, the results show that duality has a
positive relationship with earnings management. This finding is consistent with the findings
of several studies (Fathi, 2013; Rahman & Ali, 2006).
In the sample, 37% out of 958 observations are in situation of being duality when
CEO and Chairman are the same person, hold both roles. Duality may increases the earnings
management of a listed firm. Basically, this is a bad sign of corporate governance in listed
Thus, Vietnam needs to strengthen the quality of corporate governance in order to
achieve a better corporate management. Since then, it can contribute to the development of
the Vietnamese securities market as well as increase the ability in protecting investors,
enhancing the role of corporate governance in managing the business operations in general
and in earnings management in particular.
5. Conclusions
This study used the Jones' original model (1991) in estimating and evaluating
earnings management. The regression model was constructed and retrieved results showed
that of the four variables related to ownership structure, only Foreign Ownership (OWN2)
and Managerial Ownership (OWN4) represent a significant negative relationships with
earnings management. They are two important factors in limiting behaviors of earnings
management. In addition, some control variables, such as Debt Ratios (DEBT), Financial
Performance (PERF) and Duality (DUAL) also have effects on earnings management. The
results are expected to be an useful reference for the Vietnamese stock market during the
restructuring phase of its ownership and it once again becomes the confirmation of strategy
in accelerate the foreign investment ratio in the stock market. Vietnam's stock market is
currently having great potential for market transparency and the results of the study also
shows that the use of agency theory is appropriate in detecting the relationship between the
ownership and the earnings management behavior.
The results of this research are expected to be useful for investors, companies,
policymakers, audit firms and scholars in the earnings management in Vietnam stock market
for building a stronger market, a channel for capital financing for the economy in accordance
with the current and future worldwide trends.
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