This paper aims at exploring and evaluating the main factors that affect the entrepreneurial
intention of technical students in Vietnam. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) developed by Ajzen (1991) was used as the basis for the research framework. A survey of 302 students in Hanoi University of Science and Technology shows that entrepreneurial intention is affected directly by attitude towards entrepreneurship and perceived feasibility, and indirectly by perceived self-efficacy and perceived feasibility. Besides, personal expectation and subjective norms do not show coherence with entrepreneurial intention.
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Nội dung tài liệu Factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of technical students: Case study of students at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
.811 0.000 0.000
Attitude towards
Direct 0.000 0.000 0.000
Indirect 0.493 0.000 0.000
Total 0.493 0.608 0.000
Direct 0.000 0.350 0.585
Indirect 0.573 0.356 0.000
Total 0.573 0.706 0.585
Survey results show some characteristics of the sample as follow: the percentage of male students
is four time higher than that of female students, 50 percent of the surveyed students come from farming
families and more than 50 percent of them have part time jobs. The high percentage of male students reflect
the reality that the technical majors are still the choice of male students rather than the female ones.
This study also shows the clear impact of attitude towards entrepreneurship and perceived feasibility
on entrepreneurial intention. Particularly, perceived feasibility has both direct and indirect impact on
entrepreneurial intention. This result is similar to previous studies of Krueger et al. (2000), Linan & Chen
(2009). The research results also bring some important implications for universities to nurture, foster
students’ entrepreneurial intention. Universities may raise the perceived feasibility of entrepreneurship
for students through a number of activities such as (i) providing courses and subjects related to business
administration, entrepreneurship for technical students; (ii) building the network of alumni and funds
supporting entrepreneurship; (iii) establishing information centers to support entrepreneurship and (iv)
organizing startup and innovation contests in universities. The universities may also raise the positive
attitude towards entrepreneurship through communication activities about the benefits of startup activities.
It is also necessary to build up the ancedotes and successful startup stories of students to nurture and
enhance their entrepreneurial intention.
Personal expectation and subjective norms are not proved to have either direct or indirect impact on
entrepreneurial intention of students. This result should be explained in the specific research context. For
the personal expectation, the items focus on some aspects such as developing startup project, establishing
new enterprise which belong to the economics knowledge. Currently, HUST does not have courses about
entrepreneurship for technical students. This fact may be the reason that surveyed students do not have
clear perception of their expectation about entrepreneurship, then this factor does not foster positive
attitude towards entrepreneurship. Subjective norms are not shown in this study that they affect students’
entrepreneurial intention. It is explained that students are quite independent in making decision so that
they are not heavily affected by external factors. According Bagozzi (1992), those independent and highly
determined individuals have the tendency to decrease the impact of external ideas on their intention or
decision. Thus, this study finding can be accepted because the majority of HUST students are male who are
often more determined and independent than female ones (Hofstede, 1984).
Although this research achieved its objectives, there are still some limitations. Firstly, the survey
focuses on only one technical university so that the research findings are limited to the surveyed sample.
Secondly, in this study, the authors do not focus personal traits that may have impact on entrepreneurial
intention. It is suggested that further studies may expand the survey area and include the personal traits in
the research model.
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