The objectives of the study is to analyse the factors affecting FDI attraction to Thai Nguyen
Province. The study was conducted in August 2013 in Thai Nguyen. The data utilized in the
research included primary data obtained through a questionnaire survey with 32 FDI investors in
Thai Nguyen Province in August 2013 and secondary data from statistical yearbook and reports of
the provincial and central government. The results obtained from exploratory factor analysis and
multivariate regression analysis showed that factors affecting FDI attraction to Thai Nguyen
Province included: Policy, Confidence of Investors, Infrastructure. In which, Policy has the highest
fluence on FDI attraction.
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Trịnh Việt Hùng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 185 - 190
Trinh Viet Hung
, Tran Anh Vu,
Quan Thai Ha, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Đoan Quang Duy2
1Office of Thai Nguyen Provincial Government,
2International School of Thai Nguyen University
The objectives of the study is to analyse the factors affecting FDI attraction to Thai Nguyen
Province. The study was conducted in August 2013 in Thai Nguyen. The data utilized in the
research included primary data obtained through a questionnaire survey with 32 FDI investors in
Thai Nguyen Province in August 2013 and secondary data from statistical yearbook and reports of
the provincial and central government. The results obtained from exploratory factor analysis and
multivariate regression analysis showed that factors affecting FDI attraction to Thai Nguyen
Province included: Policy, Confidence of Investors, Infrastructure. In which, Policy has the highest
fluence on FDI attraction.
Key words: FDI, sustainable, Thai Nguyen Province, factors
In recent years, a big change in trend of FDI
inflows with a remarkable growth in FDI to
developing countries has been witnessed.
Especially in 2012, developing countries have
surpassed their developed counterparts in
attracting FDI with 9 developing countries
ranked in top 20 FDI attractive countries
(UNCTAD, 2013).
As reported by the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD, 2012), developing countries in
Asia are the leadings to attract FDI during the
period from 2008 to 2012. Despite the
decrease of 7% in FDI inflows in the whole
region in 2012, some countries including
Vietnam were bright spots for labor-intensive
FDI. Vietnam was also considered one of
most FDI attractive among low-income host
countries (together with Combodia, Myanmar
and Philippines). UNCTAD (2012) forecasted
that Vietnam would be one of the potential
attractive hosts for the period 2013-2015.
Thai Nguyen is the central province of the
Northern mountainous and midland region of
Vietnam which includes 16 provinces. Its
location is 80 kilometers from Hanoi
northward. Thai Nguyen‟s economy focuses
Tel: 0912 111223, Email:
on mining, manufacturing, tea production and
agriculture. In recent years, Thai Nguyen did
not stay beyond the general trend of the
country in attracting FDI for the economic
and social development. Thai Nguyen
province hit the peak of FDI attraction and
ranked first in the whole country within the
first ten months of 2013 when the total
registered FDI was more than USD 3.4
billion, accounted for 17.7% of total
registered FDI in Vietnam. This was an
unprecedented growth ever since Vietnam
began receiving FDI from foreign investors.
So what have made this extraordinary growth
in this province and how to maintain this
sustainably as well as to retain the investment
in Thai Nguyen province? There have been a
number of studies and research on factors
affecting FDI attraction in the context of
region and country. This paper aims at the
analysis of the factors affecting the decision
making process as perceived by the investors
in Thai Nguyen Province.
In more particular, the study will help to
answer the following questions:
1. What are factors affecting FDI attraction of
Thai Nguyen province as perceived by the
investors and their degree of influence on the
FDI attraction.
Trịnh Việt Hùng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 185 - 190
2. How to predict the decision of investors
based on factor assessment.
In the next section, previous research and
studies in the world and in Vietnam on factors
affecting FDI inflows are presented. Section 3
illustrates data and research methodology.
Section 4 presents the results of the study and
finally suggests some recommendation for
improvements of FDI attraction.
Literature and study review
A number of research has been conducted to
define determinants of FDI. In this section,
the researcher focused on the publications in
the context of developing countries,
especially in Asia as well as publication on
FDI in Vietnam. Different factors were
concluded to be significant elements of FDI
inflows, which can be divided into groups
as follows:
Economic and market factors
Among factors that were found to be
important in encouraging FDI, products
seems to be discovered as contribute to FDI
inflows by most researchers. Marcelo and
Mário (2004)‟s research on a sample of 33
developing countries who played the role of
FDI hosts during the period from 1975 to
2000 using panel data methodology found
that the average rate of gross national
products (GNP) growth over the previous 5
years had significant influence on FDI
inflows. Holland and others (2000) also
mentioned in their paper on FDI in Eastern
and Central Europe that a country growth
potential will attract more FDI. The same
conclusion was also produced by Morisset
(2000) and Moosa (2002).
Political and policy factors
One of the first issues to be taken into
consideration when a firm decides to invest is
the political stability of the destination country
since the investor will take many risks from
external environment in an instable host.
Political risks were considered as negative
factor to FDI attraction, including change in
government leadership (Root and Ahmed,
1979), intracountry political events (Nigh,
1985), number of political strikes and riots in
host countries (Schneider and Frey, 1985) and
other sociopolitical instability. According to
Justice and Gloria (2012), degree of
democracy in host countries was also
important variable for FDI inflows.
Natural resources and geographical
Natural resources were argued to have great
influence on FDI attraction (Asiedu and Lien
(2004), Deichmann et al. (2003), Onyeiwu
and Shrestha (2004) and Jadhav (2012). Ohlin
(1933) also concluded that secure sources of
raw materials are determinant for FDI
attraction. Campos and Kinoshita (2003) and
Garibaldi and others (2001) also included
abundant natural resources in the motivations
for FDI attraction in transition countries
during 1990-1998. Natural resources also
impacted the decision making of investment
by foreign investors in Vietnam (Loc and
Tuyet, 2013).
Social conditions
Foreign investment is producing outside of
the home country, firms therefore will have
less initiatives in employing labor for the
production process. Labor, at this stage, is a
heavy burden to foreign investors. As found
in previous papers, investors would be most
concerned about years of schooling of labor
force (Nunnenkamp and Spatz, 2002), level of
schooling (Marcelo and Mario, 2004),
cost/wages of labor (Campos and Kinoshita
(2003), Flamm (1984), Schneider and Frey
(1985), Lucas (1993), and Wheeler and Mody
(1992). Human capital was also found to be
more significant in less developed countries
than in developed countries (Buckley and
others, 2002).
Research questions and hypotheses
The study aims to seek answers to the
following questions:
1. What are factors affecting FDI attraction of
Thai Nguyen province as perceived by the
investors in terms of:
- Economic and market factors;
- Natural conditions and infrastructure;
Trịnh Việt Hùng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 185 - 190
- Political and policy factors;
- Social factors;
- Local government support for investors.
2. What should be proposed for the
enhancement of FDI inflows in Thai Nguyen
The study focuses to test the following null
H01: There is no significant linear correlation
between economic and market factors and
FDI inflows as perceived by the investors;
H02: There is no significant linear correlation
between natural conditions and infrastructure
and FDI inflows as perceived by the
H03: There is no significant linear correlation
between political and policy factors and FDI
inflows as perceived by the investors;
H04: There is no significant linear correlation
between social factors and FDI inflows as
perceived by the investors;
H05: There is no significant linear correlation
between local government support to
investors and FDI inflows as perceived by the
Research methodology
Research design
The researcher will conduct a survey using
the questionnaire technique. The
questionnaire is designed focusing on the
factors based on the review of literature and
studies. The questionnaires includes questions
on perception of investors on specific factors
and questions on general assessment. Primary
data will be collected by distributing the
questionnaire to target respondents who are
working in foreign firms in Thai Nguyen
province. The researcher will enter the raw
data into Microsoft Excel software and filter
screen to remove invalid answered
questionnaire (which was not filled in
required sections).
The filtered data will then be treated with
exploratory factor analysis technique to
group correlated elements (questions) into
Factors and to remove questions which do not
meet the degree of reliability from the
questionnaire. Factors are subsequently used
as variables for simple linear correlation
analysis and multivariate regression analysis
to test the hypotheses (H01 to H05) and to
indentify limiting factors and their degree of
influence on FDI attraction in Thai Nguyen
Data collection
The research utilizes both primary data and
secondary data.
Primary data are collected by doing
questionnaire survey on FDI investors in Thai
Nguyen Province at the time of survey.
Secondary data are collected from state and
provincial socio-economic reports, Office of
National Statistics, Vietnam Chamber of
Commerce and Industry from 2000 to 2013.
Statistical treatment
The following statistical treatments are used
to analyse the obtained data:
- Exploratory factor analysis with the use of
Cronbach‟s Alpha test is used to identify the
factors and the reliability of the found factors.
- Descriptive statistical analysis is used to
describe the gathered data.
- Simple correlation analysis is used to
compare the FDI inflows and its predictor
- Stepwise regression analysis with backward
selection is applied to identify the limiting
variables with the most significant effect on
FDI inflows in Thai Nguyen as perceived by
the respondents and as the data appeared from
2000 to 2013.
Results of primary data analysis
Regression analysis
Stepwise regression analysis with backward
selection was carried out to identify the
variables with the significant influence on
FDI attraction as perceived by the investors.
The proposed regression model is:
y = x₁, x₂, x₃ ,, xn
Where: y is dependent variable
x₁, x₂, x₃ ,, xn are predictor variables
Trịnh Việt Hùng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 185 - 190
Application of Regression Analysis:
OAS: Overall Assessment of investors on FDI
attraction in Thai Nguyen Province
POL: Policies
ENT: Natural condition
CONF: Confidence of investors to the
LAB: Human resource
PSC: Political and Socio-Economic Factors
INFR: Infrastructure
x₁, x₂, x₃ ,, xn were calculated as described
in the Table 1.
Table 2 shows the summary of backward
selection of stepwise analysis. Policy (POL)
Confidence of investors (CONF) and
Infrastructure (INFR) were selected to be the
factors affecting FDI attraction at the 0.05
significance level.
From the regression analysis on SAS, the
following was the equation where selected
variables are written in increasing order of
partial R-square.
OAS = 0.754 + 0.582 * POL + 0.159 * CONF
+0.129 * INFR
OAS: Overall Assessment of investors on FDI
attraction in Thai Nguyen Province
POL: Policies
CONF: Confidence of investors to the
INFR: Infrastructure
Three above factors explain 42.2% the
fluctuation of FDI attraction to Thai Nguyen
Province, in which Policy has the highest
influence (0.582), followed by Confidence of
investors (0.159) and Infrastructure (0.129).
Table 2: Results of regression analysis
Variable LAB Removed: R-Square = 0.4243 and C(p) = 1.8935
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of
Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 3 82.70154 27.56718 42.98 <.0001
Error 175 112.23142 0.64132
178 194.93296
Parameter Standard
Variable Estimate Error Type II SS F Value F Value
Intercept 0.75388 0.31605 3.64889 5.69 0.0181
POL 0.58177 0.06272 55.18491 86.05 <.0001
CONF 0.15942 0.08303 2.36438 3.69 0.0565
INFR 0.12889 0.06371 2.62506 4.09 0.0446
Bounds on condition number: 1.2395, 10.457
Results of secondary data analysis
Table 4: Simple correlation between FDI and its predictor variables
GDP 0.59* 1
EXP 0.46 0.93** 1
PCI -0.06 0.65* 0.803** 1
POL 0.709** 0.36* 0.294 0.033 1
INFR 0.44 0.94** 0.871** 0.605* 0.226 1
INFL -0.05 0.51 0.730** 0.789** -0.043 0.501 1
URB 0.55* 0.979** 0.935** 0.690** 0.383 0.925** 0.608* 1
Trịnh Việt Hùng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 185 - 190
Table 5: Results of regression analysis
Variable POL Entered: R-Square = 0.5023 and C(p) = 55.0189
Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of
Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Model 1 2085684 2085684 11.10 0.0067
Error 11 2066269 187843
12 4151953
Variable Parameter
Standard Error Type II SS F Value Pr > F
Intercept 19.48264 130.67749 4175.30432 0.02 0.8842
POL 1110.15736 333.16353 2085684 11.10 0.0067
Simple correlation analysis provided a
comparison between FDI attraction and its
predictor variables. The obtained results
showed several predictor variables have
significant correlations with deposit
mobilization. However, the largest correlation
was obtained for POL (r = 0.71) followed by
GDP, URB. The poorest correlation was
obtained for inflation rate INFL (r = -0.05).
Most of the predictor variables had positive
correlation with MD while an inverse
correlation was obtained for provincial
competitiveness index and inflation.
Table 2 shows the summary of forward
selection of stepwise analysis. Policy (POL)
was selected to be the factors affecting FDI
attraction at the 0.05 significance level.
From the regression analysis on SAS, the
following was the equation where selected
variables are written in increasing order of
partial R-square.
FDI = 19.48 + 1110.16 * POL
FDI : Registered FDI in Thai Nguyen
Province year t (Million USD)
POL : Preferential policies (if yes: 1, if no:
Only Policy (POL) was selected among
predictor variables as significantly affect FDI
attraction, with R-squared at 50.23%. Policy
can explain 50.23% the fluctuation of FDI
attraction to Thai Nguyen province.
General orientations
In order to create a significant step forward in
attracting FDI in Thai Nguyen Province, Thai
Nguyen Provincial Government needs to
select projects with high level of feasibility
and quality focusing on large and competitive
investors, encouraging production projects
and orient suitable FDI inflow by sectors,
areas and partners distribution
Strategies to improve policies
Thai Nguyen Province need to reform the
“One-way feedback” system, promote
investment, especially from strategic
investors, review regulations on preferential
investment policies and propose amendments
in preferential investment policies to the
Strategies to enhance the confidence of
Thai Nguyen Province needs to strictly follow
the Scheme Directive 19 and the “Enhancing
provincial competitiveness index” Project and
raise public awareness and understanding
about trading and merging between
businesses. The linkages between FDI
business and enterprises in the province needs
also be improved.
Strategies to improve infrastructure
The province should support investors to
deploy infrastructure development, use
modern and environmentally friendly
technology, focus on construction and
development of supporting industry
The study has found factors affecting FDI
attraction to Thai Nguyen province as
perceived by investors and as statistical
analysis, in which policy was selected in both
two models of analysis. This illustrates the
Trịnh Việt Hùng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 185 - 190
significant importance of FDI promotion
policy in FDI attraction to a region. The other
factors which also have significant
influence on FDI are Confidence of
investors and Infrastructure. Thai Nguyen
Provincial government should focus on
improving those factors in order to improve
its FDI attraction performance.
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Trịnh Việt Hùng1*, Trần Anh Vũ2,
Quản Thái Hà2, Nguyễn Tuấn Anh2, Đoàn Quang Duy2
1Văn phòng Tỉnh ủy Thái Nguyên,2 Khoa Quốc tế - ĐH Thái Nguyên
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu là phân tích các nhân tố ảnh hƣởng và xây dựng mô hình dự báo thu hút
vốn FDI bền vững vào tỉnh Thái Nguyên. Số liệu sử dụng trong nghiên cứu bao gồm số liệu sơ cấp
đƣợc thu thập từ điều tra chọn mẫu 32 doanh nghiệp đang đầu tƣ tại tỉnh Thái Nguyên tại thời
điểm tháng 8/2013 và số liệu thứ cấp từ báo cáo và niên giám thống kê từ năm 2000 đến 2013.
Phƣơng pháp phân tích nhân tố khám phá (EFA) kết hợp phƣơng pháp phân tích hồi quy đa biến
trên cả hai nguồn số liệu đã chỉ ra các nhân tố ảnh hƣởng đến thu hút vốn FDI tại tỉnh Thái
Nguyên bao gồm: Môi trƣờng chính sách và hệ thống pháp luật, Lòng tin của nhà đầu tƣ, Cơ sở hạ
tầng. Trong đó Môi trƣờng chính sách là nhân tố có ảnh hƣởng lớn nhất đến thu hút vốn FDI vào
tỉnh Thái Nguyên.
Từ khóa: FDI, mô hình, bền vững, tỉnh Thái Nguyên, nhân tố ảnh hưởng
Ngày nhận bài:13/3/2014; Ngày phản biện:15/3/2014; Ngày duyệt đăng: 25/3/2014
Phản biện khoa học: PGS.TS Đỗ Anh Tài – Đại học Thái Nguyên
Tel: 0912 111223, Email:
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