The article introduces in its first part some considerations about
the connection between economic development, social change and education
for successful developing strategies. Then the present situation in Vietnam is
sketched. Against this background, challenges and above all opportunities
for educational basic orientations will be discussed as they are relevant for
a country like Vietnam being in a comprehensive transformation process
which is about to shake the very foundations of the whole of society. Finally
some of the most urgent actual reform tasks of the Vietnamese educational
sector are discussed.
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Nội dung tài liệu Big challenges for Vietnam's education policy, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa
Hanoi National University of Education
Abstract.The article introduces in its first part some considerations about
the connection between economic development, social change and education
for successful developing strategies. Then the present situation in Vietnam is
sketched. Against this background, challenges and above all opportunities
for educational basic orientations will be discussed as they are relevant for
a country like Vietnam being in a comprehensive transformation process
which is about to shake the very foundations of the whole of society. Finally
some of the most urgent actual reform tasks of the Vietnamese educational
sector are discussed.
1. Introduction
Since the beginning of the Doi Moi Policy, only two decades from now Vietnam is
changing rapidly, causing a lot of asynchronicities between tradition and modernity.
While the booming economy develops huge impacts on prosperity regarding ma-
terial needs, cultural sub-systems like education are reaching limits which have to
be addressed urgently. The following article introduces in the first part some con-
siderations about the connection between economic development, social change and
education for successful developing strategies. Then the present situation of Vietnam
is sketched. Finally some of the most urgent actual reform tasks of the Vietnamese
educational sector are discussed.
2. Content
2.1. The relationship of economic development, social change
and education
From the perspective of no-market-steered social systems like justice, public manage-
ment and education, the fact is often overlooked that economy is the productive and
dynamic core of modern societies, and consequently those societies are dominated
entirely by economic postulates. At the same time, there is also the fact that world-
wide all dynamic economies are functioning according to market principles. They
raise the chance of prosperity for wide population circles, for innovation of tech-
nology and services and for a careful resource consumption to mention only three
of the most attractive possibilites. Traditionally, the "hard" factors ground, capital
and labour stand in the foreground. However, the more efficient and differentiated a
national economy is, the more important infrastructural conditions become. Like a
functioning judicial system, an efficient monetary system, a differentiated network
by norms and standards etc. Not least, of course, the education and the training
system has to be named. Beyond plausibility these crucial infrastructure factors,
however, can be correlated mostly directly to economic performance. Which specific
judicial system, for instance, leads with which changes to which overall economic
effects? This entails the scientific classification of such "soft" factors enabling eco-
nomic growth which has been investigated relatively limited up to now.
The question araised from the relationship between economy and education,
led until recently to completely opposite scientific answers between no measuring
effects and unequivocal effect connections as it is expressed symptomatically in
the title of a Working Paper of the US National Bureau of Economic Research:
Does schooling cause growth or the other way round? [1]. Why make most societies
worldwide (governments, enterprises, private financiers, families, individuals) such
considerable education strains, in the assumption that it is useful to them? A direct
and general causal connection between education level (no matter how it is defined
in detail) and economic efficiency does not seem to exist anyway, and yet the three
PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) studies carried out since
2000 give inconsistent clues about this question [2].
The reasons for high educational investments are varied and are founded only
partly economically. So a high education and training level enjoys in most cultures
high social recognition (with major individual and social consequences also of eco-
nomic nature). For the better educated and qualified their higher educational level
pays off by higher incomes and more pleasant working conditions. Accordingly gov-
ernments and private financiers support these efforts of their elites for legitimate
considerations. On the other hand, they assume that a well educated and qualified
population is also favorable for economic efficiency. Enterprises start out from the
fact that the investments in the qualification of their employees directly matters
to the enterprise's successes, at least, as long as the job market does not provide
enough certified and cheap manpower.
Meanwhile a wide spread acceptance is still not scientific proof and under the
absence of a clear and countable correlation between education investments and
economic growth is often considered as investments on suspicion, always in danger
of being understood as consumptive costs and of being neglected behind other growth
strategies (between the exploitation of cheap, slightly certified labour forces and
military expansion). Since in all modern societies the economic imperative influences
all sustainable investments an empirically compelling correlation between education
and economic performance, between education investments and economic growth
could strengthen the strategic position of the educational sector in the competition
with other infra-structural sub-systems. Moreover, only such an unequivocal link
can motivate governments to invest in education for economic consideration.
For some decades such correlations are fundamental in the theoretical ap-
proaches of " Human Capital, thus in the assumption that education investments
into the production factor "labour" lead to a higher economic achievement. All con-
cerned investigations have proved a positive correlation: the closer the qualification
is to the professional education, the more distinctive is this relation [3]. It is merely
unclear, to what extent this general economical statement remains valid at the level
of single states and enterprises which can supply themselves in well equipped and
increasingly worldwide job markets. The necessity to invest in Human Capital mat-
ters naturally also to educational levels below professional training on which the
basic cultural skills reading, writing and calculating are provided [4].
2.2. The Crucial Importance of Social Capital
The question remains about the genuine economic effects of general education ex-
ceeding by far merely the acquisition of basic skills. Hereby the addressed relation-
ship between higher general education and economic efficiency corresponds directly
with the Social Capital approaches which introduce the social integration achieved
by education as an economically effective factor. The most influential definition of
Social Capital comes from Robert Putnam: Social Capital consists of "features of
social organisation such as trust, norms and networks that can improve the efficiency
of society by facilitating co-ordinated actions" [5]. Since on this field, complicated
model-based assumptions and measuring tasks are imperative, the scientific clarity
of such statements is far lower than the area of Human Capital approaches. Never-
theless, most Social Capital researchers suppose with good reasons and increasingly
also with valid empiric evidences that general education is profitable by itself. In
addition, it is obtaining and gaining importance for Knowledge - Economies and
it can be seen as "basic commodity" of pluralistic societies [6].
From all that results at first that all societies which place importance on con-
tinuous social progress (closely connected with market oriented growth economies)
have to carry out an active, quality-oriented and investment-intensive education and
training policy with high priority. While the developed countries of the west dispose
of abilities of self-organization and more or less far going welfare state structures
acquired during generations; this does not apply for developing countries. In rebuild-
ing modern societies they can fall back only occasionally on traditional experiences.
Instead, they see themselves in dramatic change processes which, first of all destroes
the old, rural solidarity traditions, endanger the cohesion of the entire society. In
consequences the importance of modern Social Capital production via broad gen-
eral schooling is even more important for developing countries than it is for the
western countries.
2.3. The Vietnamese Situation
To prepare for the UNESCO 2008 Education for All Global Monitoring Report
the recently published country profile of Vietnam emphasizes - besides some heavy
problem complexes - the considerable achievements of the country's education policy
and presents a lot of convincing figures [7]. This appraisal stands in a long line
of comparable surveys. They confirm in almost all cases and most impressively
that Vietnam's preschool and school system plays a much higher league than its
economic developing level supposes. The same picture shows university attendance
and tertiary graduations, although to a reduced extent. From all of those it can
be concluded that the Vietnamese mixture of economic liberalization in a political
socialist framework obviously pursues a pretty successful strategy in the education
sector, also in attempting to develop education systematically from the bottom up.
So the contribution of the developed education system in Vietnam, despite
all its weaknesses, to the social and economical transformation can hardly be over
estimated. On the one hand all key indicators allow a light optimistic outlook on
a basic and sustainable transformation of the traditionally agrarian stamped Viet-
namese economy into a prospering industrial and partly also into a service economy.
On the other hand, the demand for certified manpower will also increase which is
the greatest challenge for the education and training system. Otherwise, it will be-
come a major obstacle for the further development of the country's economy. So
it is already recognizable, with concentration on the urban conurbations and here,
above all, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, that sectored increasing demand for well
qualified manpower is meeting scarce labour markets. Combined with the spread of
less qualification of even university graduates this shortage threatens to become a
structural growth brake.
Against this background, the production of adequate social capital by ed-
ucation standards in a multiple bridge-function between old and new orientations,
the history and the future as well as the principles of traditional and modern school
pedagogy. Schools, colleges and universities are key institutions in delivering social
and cultural integration and in establishing higher levels of education and train-
ing. If the system breaks of such ranges almost everything comes under a question:
the traditional terms of social relations, the communication behavior, the world
view, values and many other personality-settings will experience significant alter-
ation. If this integration fails, a cultural uprooting and helplessness threaten to face
the omnipresent new materials and cultural offers. However, at the same time, this
"bridge" itself is under comprehensive re-construction and the whole scale of reform-
management and educational effectiveness is asked to make it fit for this tremendous
The open questions following this perspective on the welfare of the society
as a whole are more numerous than conclusive answers: What does a high level of
knowledge, competence and moral stability mean concretely? Which learning aims
and learning contents are asked? How should the education system learning patterns
be established to enable the young generation to deal successfully and innovatively
with the coming challenges, personally, socially and as the labour force of an up-
coming developing country? In particular, the last aspect must deal with a high
degree of insecurity, because Vietnam's future is uncertain and directly applicable
experiences from other countries are rare.
2.4. Threats and Opportunities
The systematic investigation of the general learning conditions provided by the
changing environment of the Vietnamese people in general and of the younger gen-
eration in particular imposes immense tasks on socialization and education research
in Vietnam. Since the issues in question are predominantly arising from endogenous
processes, research results and experiences from other countries may be helpful but
the knowledge base and the problem solving strategies have to be developed in Viet-
nam itself. The starting point is in any case the status quo of Vietnamese traditions,
values and development aims. A consideration of these basic elements in their com-
plete width would burst the frame of this article. Here I can indicate only some
points which in my opinion which are vital to understanding the specific complexity
of the current and outstanding Vietnamese educational reform, its opportunities and
its risks.
∗ During the wars and during the following years when the entire country had
to master the dreadful war results the Vietnamese people lived an extremely hard
life under tremendous deprivation. Priority for all during these years was the fight
for Vietnam's independence, to supply the suffering people with sufficient means to
survive and immediately after the war to establish political integrity and stability.
Consequently most Vietnamese at this time used to have a pretty simple personality
ideal, stamped by traditional and war-conditioned virtues. In time of war and under
the living conditions in a subsidized and planned economy opportunities and the
need for scrutinizing the usual, discussing problems and looking for new and uncon-
ventional solutions was strictly limited. Learning at school and outside had to occur
almost completely after detailed guidelines delivered by central authorities. Every-
body was taken care of and guided by the state and by the family. So for youngsters
questions about the personal way of life or even of the choice of career were not a
subject to be discused. Instead considerations about the future were barely directed
upon basic or practical necessities and needs, they were determined to a large extent
by prevailing settings of the social surroundings. Passiveness, conformity and lack of
independence were broadly spread. However, modernizing societies in general and
market economies in particular requires from every person just the opposite: a high
level of self-consciousness, an elaborated sense of self-responsibility and the ability
to cope with a personal perspective of life. The individual must co-ordinate his own
interests and needs pragmatically with those of his social environment, must act
self-initiatively and has to realize long-term chances and risks. According to these
new challenges many young Vietnamese now orientate less on professions which tra-
ditionally promise high reputation. They strive for occupations promising a "better
life" in which material welfare plays an important role. They must set themselves
(partly with the help from their families) goals and have to exert themselves in order
to reach them. Regarding the social integration and adaptability of the young peo-
ple from to day's Vietnam one can ascertain much more dynamism than in earlier
∗ The value system, closely linked with the striving for a desired "personality
profile" is under rapid change for the younger generation of today. The old ideal is
determined by traditional morals and ethical values. It was formed and influenced
quite substantially from Confucianism and Marxism. Diligence, politeness, respect-
ful manners towards others, older people in particular, have been and still are the
dominant primary virtues. Other virtues are not disregarded, but they are subor-
dinated. A student with good school notes and well-behaved experiences and high
appreciation of his classmates and his social environment. Today's young generation
begins to act, instead, pragmatically, accordingly its orientation generally becomes
more material. Indeed, industrious learning and good behavior still enjoy broad re-
spect (nevertheless even these virtues are under change). However, gradually they are
loosing their dominant role. Young people are interested increasingly in hedonistic
values. Nowadays not only good learning, but talent and competence are becoming
more important. A youngster behaving only in a conformist manner cannot deal suf-
ficiently with modern life's requirements particularly in the great cities of Vietnam.
Much more success promises the dynamic and wilful personality type. The changing
value system leads to changes in motivation, objectives and, not least, the way of
knowledge acquisition. Today individuals incline rather towards learning what they
hold necessary for their own sake including plenty of issues not incorporated in the
school curriculum. Increasingly, personal decisions are made on what students judge
as important for themselves and at the same time what should be inferior. Under
the influence of the living conditions in a spreading market-economy people become
more pragmatic and managing future by common sense becomes the imperative.
∗ The traditional relationship between teachers and students in the Vietnamese
society is based on the principle: Honor to the master, respect to the teaching.
Consequently teachers take an indisputable authoritarian position in this relation-
ship. They are not only honored for their activity as a knowledge mediator and
educator, but also they are a part of a special trusting relationship in some way
comparable with a parent's position. Students recognize in them estimable person-
alities with exemplary function. By the spread of market-economically elements all
over Vietnamese society also the education system is affected and commercial fea-
tures are emerging: private schools liable to costs, private tuition, cost sharing for
apprenticeship etc. Yet this commercialization is about to modify the traditional
role sharing between master-teacher and student to a supplier - customer relation-
ship. The used ethical-morally stamped teacher-student relationship is broken by
pragmatic, increasingly also material exchange patterns. This is new, particularly
for older Vietnamese and completely different from their traditional thinking.
∗ Thanks to the rapid development in science and technology and, above all, the
revolution of information technology, together with the opening of policy and the efforts
of the political leaders towards economic and cultural integration into the international
community, the global world for the people in Vietnam becomes more and more concrete.
The increasing use of the Internet and other modern means of information technology give
the younger generation more and up to now unknown opportunities to obtain knowledge
on their own and to come into contact with foreign cultures. Now students can acquire
increasing knowledge from different sources, also without mediation of their teachers. New
forms and methods of learning and training are available and about to drive out Vietnam's
traditional teaching-learning culture. One remarkable result of this development to be
emphasized is for Vietnam to be confronted freshly with the phenomenon of a culture
independent of nation, this mixture of different life settings, life-styles and fast changing
fashions swapping across the electronically linked "global village". So for the first time
in Vietnamese history young people share common elements of this "world-culture" with
their peers in other countries. For the moment that is a phenomenon above all in the big
cities, but gradually it will penetrate throughout the whole country.
3. Conclusion
These social changes are at present directly affecting the education system in Vietnam
and triggering (not only here) urgent and fundamental reform needs. The educational
politicians in Vietnam are thus facing immense tasks. On the one hand the traditional
system is already on its edge, quantitatively and qualitatively. On the other hand, one
can but does not want simply to give up all customary values and procedures in order to
deliver them to a "laissez faire, laissez aller". Society clever integration concepts and new,
modern educational aims and strategies are in demand and, above all, the cultivation of
institutional and individual ability to take responsibility is asked. This is not less than
a tradition break deeply intervening in used mentalities which must be conducted at the
same time gently However, also under considerable time, pressure and against strong
centuries-old traditions.
[1] Bils, M./Klenow, P.J., 1998. By the way the authors are coming to clearly positive
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[2] 2003. Learning for Tomorrows World. Organization for Economic Cooperation
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[3] 1998. Human capital investment, an international comparison. OECD, Centre
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[4] October, 2002. Social and Human Capital in the Knowledge Society: Policy Im-
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[5] Putnam, R., 1993.Making democracy work. University Press, pp. 167, Princeton.
[6] Temple, J., 2000. Growth effects of education and social capital in the OECD
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[7] Nolven Henaff, Marie-France Lange, Tran Thi Kim Thuan, 2008. Education for
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