A study on parameter tuning for optimal indexing on large scale datasets

Fast matching is a crucial task in many computer vision applications due to its computationally intensive overhead, especially for high feature spaces. Promising

techniques to address this problem have been investigated

in the literature such as product quantization, hierarchical

clustering decomposition, etc. In these approaches, a distance

metric must be learned to support the re-ranking step that

helps filter out the best candidates. Nonetheless, computing

the distances is a much intensively computational task and

is often done during the online search phase. As a result,

this process degrades the search performance. In this work,

we conduct a study on parameter tuning to make efficient

the computation of distances. Different searching strategies

are also investigated to justify the impact of coding quality

on search performance. Experiments have been conducted

in a standard product quantization framework and showed

interesting results in terms of both coding quality and search


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question would be concerned with the search efficiency when applying to the ANN search task. In the following discussions, we shall continue to show the performance of our method for this task. Figure 3 presents the operating points of search speedups as a function of precision for all the HPQ versions in our study. For the SIFT dataset, the gap in performance is not that much for all the HPQ versions. In details, HPQ64 performs best in this case although its behavior is slightly superior to that of HPQ128. This observation is not fully synchronized for GIST dataset as shown in Figure 3(b). First, the performance gap is more noticeable, say for instances at 920× and 732× in speedups of HPQ128 and HPQ32, respectively, at the precision of 80%. Second, HPQ192 tends to be close to the winner (HPQ128), especially when considering very high search precisions (> 90%). These new findings can be explained by the high dimensional space of GIST features in which coding quality plays a role to the success of search efficiency. As already noted in the Figure 1 (b), HPQ128 is virtually identical to HPQ192 in terms of A STUDY ON PARAMETER TUNING FOR OPTIMAL INDEXING ON LARGE SCALE DATASETS 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Precision (%) Sp ee du p ov er s eq ue nc e se ar ch SIFT dataset (128D): 10K queries and 1M data points HPQ64 HPQ128 HPQ32 HPQ192 (a) 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Precision (%) Sp ee du p ov er s eq ue nc e se ar ch GIST dataset (960D): 1K queries and 1M data points HPQ128 HPQ192 HPQ64 HPQ32 (b) Hình 3. ANN search performance of system (HPQ) with varying number of codewords: (a) SIFT and (b) GIST features. 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 Precision (%) Sp ee du p ov er s eq ue nc e se ar ch SIFT dataset (128D): 10K queries and 1M data points HPQ64 OEPQ EPQ best−FLANN (a) 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Precision (%) Sp ee du p ov er s eq ue nc e se ar ch GIST dataset (960D): 1K queries and 1M data points HPQ128 OEPQ EPQ best−FLANN (b) Hình 4. ANN search performance of our system and other methods: (a) SIFT and (b) GIST features. coding quality, whereas HPQ128 incurs less computational overhead than HPQ192 does. As a result, HPQ128 gives the best search speedups in the studied experiments. The last experiment has been conducted as shown in Figure 4 in which comparative search efficiency is provided for the best HPQ version (i.e., HPQ64 for SIFT and HPQ128 for GIST features), Optimized EPQ (OEPQ), EPQ, and the best method of FLANN (i.e., best-FLANN). It is worth highlighting that OEPQ is the state-of-the-art method for ANN search on the SIFT and GIST datasets [9], [16]. In this study, one can realize that HPQ64 can also reach the same level of search efficiency as OEPQ does for the SIFT dataset. Noticeably, using HPQ with 128 codewords provides substantial improvements for the GIST features. For instances, it gives a speedup of 921× com- pared to sequence scan when fixing the search precision of 80%. All these results confirm the superiority of our method, in terms of both coding quality and ANN search efficiency, especially when working in high dimensional spaces. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this work, a deep analysis and study of hierarchical product quantization has been conducted to examine its performance on the aspects of quantization quality and ANN search efficiency. Our proposal has been targeted to the fact that using finer space decomposition is essential for accomplishing these double-goal objective. Throughout extensive experiments in comparison with other methods, it was showed that our method provides significant im- provement for various datasets and even tends to performs well with respect to the increase in space dimensionality. An interesting remark derived from our study is that a decent product quantizer can be constructed even without using a high number of codewords. As shown in our experiments, by using just as few as 32 codewords, one can also obtain satisfactory performance. 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Đối với các kỹ thuật này, một hàm khoảng cách sẽ được đề xuất để tạo một danh sách các ứng viên tiềm năng gần nhất với đối tượng truy vấn. Tuy nhiên, quá trình tính toán hàm khoảng cách này thường có độ phức tạp tính toán lớn và được thực hiện trong giai đoạn tìm kiếm (online), do vậy, làm ảnh hưởng đến hiệu năng tìm kiếm. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi thực hiện các nghiên cứu trên các tham số ảnh hưởng đến quá trình lập chỉ mục và tối ưu hóa quá trình tính toán hàm khoảng cách. Ngoài ra, các chiến lược tìm kiếm khác nhau cũng được thực hiện để đánh giá chất lượng của quá trình lượng tử hóa. Các thử nghiệm đã được thực hiện và cho thấy những kết quả nổi bật cả về chất lượng lượng tử hóa và hiệu năng tìm kiếm. Từ khóa: Lập chỉ mục, tìm kiếm xấp xỉ nhanh, tích lượng tử. Dinh-Nghiep Le has been work at Hong Duc University as lecturer and permanent researcher since 2012. His research interests include: fea- ture extraction and indexing, image detection and recognition, computer vision. Van-Thi Hoang received his PhD thesis in 2006 from Hanoi National University of Ed- ucation (Vietnam). He has been a lecturer at Hong Duc University until 2017. He has since then working at Department of Education and Training, Thanh Hoa city. Duc-Toan Nguyen received the Master degree from University of Wollongong, Australia, in 2014. He has worked for Department of Indus- try and Trade since 2014, Thanh Hoa province. His research interests include: data mining, computer vision and machine learning. The-Anh Pham has been working at Hong Duc University as a permanent researcher since 2004. He received his PhD Thesis in 2013 from Francois Rabelais university in France. Starting from June 2014 to November 2015, he has worked as a full research fellow position at Polytech’s Tours, France. His research interests include document image analysis, image com- pression, feature extraction and indexing, shape analysis and representation.

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